Zsh Command Not Found: Python [HOW TO FIX]

If you’ve encountered the error message “Zsh command not found: python,” you may be experiencing difficulties running Python scripts or executing Python commands in your Zsh shell.

The error “Zsh command not found: python” occurs when the Zsh shell cannot locate the Python executable. In this article, we will explore the possible causes of this error and provide solutions to resolve it.

Zsh Shell and Python

Zsh (Z Shell) is a powerful and feature-rich shell that offers advanced functionality compared to other shells, such as Bash. It provides an interactive command-line interface and scripting capabilities. Python, on the other hand, is a popular programming language known for its simplicity and versatility. It is widely used for various applications, including web development, data analysis, and automation.

Possible Causes of “Zsh command not found python”

The error message “Zsh command not found python” can be caused by various factors. Some common causes include:

  1. Incorrect Python installation or missing Python executable.
  2. Incorrect configuration of the Python path in the Zsh environment.
  3. Outdated versions of Zsh or Python.
  4. Issues with virtual environments or package managers.
  5. Conflict between different Python installations.
  6. Incorrect Zsh configuration.

Checking Python Installation and Path

Before diving into advanced troubleshooting steps, it’s essential to verify that Python is correctly installed on your system and the path is set correctly. To check your Python installation, open a terminal and run the following command:

python --version

If Python is installed, it will display the version number. If it’s not installed, you can download and install the latest version from the official Python website (python.org).

To check the Python executable path, use the following command:

which python

This command will display the path to the Python executable. If the output is empty or doesn’t match the actual path, it indicates an issue with the Python installation or path configuration.

Configuring Python Path in Zsh

To ensure that Zsh can find the Python executable and execute Python commands correctly, you need to configure the Python path in the Zsh environment.

One way to do this is by modifying the $PATH variable in your Zsh configuration file. The configuration file is typically located at ~/.zshrc. Open the file using a text editor and add the following line:

export PATH="/path/to/python/bin:$PATH"

Replace /path/to/python/bin with the actual path to the directory containing the Python executable. Save the file and restart your Zsh shell or run the following command to apply the changes immediately:

source ~/.zshrc

Now, try running the python --version command again to verify if the issue is resolved.

Updating Zsh Shell and Python Versions

Outdated versions of Zsh or Python may cause compatibility issues and result in the “Zsh command not found: python” error. It’s important to keep both Zsh and Python up to date to ensure optimal performance and compatibility.

To update Zsh, you can use your package manager or visit the official Zsh website (ohmyz.sh) for installation instructions.

For updating Python, you can use a package manager like pip or conda:

pip install --upgrade python


conda update python

After updating, restart your Zsh shell and check if the error persists.

Reinstalling Python

If none of the above solutions resolve the issue, reinstalling Python can help to fix any potential installation problems. Follow these steps to reinstall Python:

  1. Uninstall Python completely from your system.
  2. Download the latest Python version from the official Python website.
  3. Install Python using the downloaded installer, following the provided instructions.
  4. Verify the Python installation and path configuration as mentioned earlier.

Reinstalling Python can often resolve issues related to missing or corrupted files that may cause the “Zsh command not found python” error.

Troubleshooting with Virtual Environments

Virtual environments provide isolated Python environments for different projects, allowing you to manage project-specific dependencies and configurations. If you’re using virtual environments, ensure that they are activated correctly in your Zsh shell.

To activate a virtual environment, navigate to the project directory and run the appropriate command:

source <venv_directory>/bin/activate

Replace <venv_directory> with the actual path to your virtual environment directory.

Activating the virtual environment sets the Python executable and associated dependencies specific to that environment. Make sure you activate the correct virtual environment before running any Python commands.

Using Anaconda or Miniconda

Anaconda and Miniconda are popular Python distributions that come with pre-installed packages and environments management tools. They can help simplify the management of Python installations and dependencies.

If you’re encountering issues with the default Python installation, consider installing Anaconda or Miniconda and using it as an alternative. These distributions provide their own commands for managing environments and packages, ensuring a smoother experience.

Alternative Methods for Running Python Scripts

If you’re unable to resolve the “Zsh command not found python” error through the above methods, there are alternative ways to run Python scripts without modifying the path:

  1. Specify the Python interpreter explicitly when running scripts:
python /path/to/script.py
  1. Use the python -m module flag to run scripts:
python -m script

These methods bypass the need for Zsh to locate the Python executable and ensure that the script is executed using the specified Python interpreter.


  1. Why am I seeing the “Zsh command not found python” error? The error occurswhen Zsh cannot locate the Python executable in its search path.
  2. How can I check my Python installation on Zsh? You can use the python --version command to check your Python installation and version.
  3. How do I update my Python version in Zsh? You can use the package manager pip or conda to update Python. For example, pip install --upgrade python or conda update python.
  4. What should I do if reinstalling Python doesn’t resolve the issue? If reinstalling Python doesn’t help, you can try troubleshooting with virtual environments or using alternative methods to run Python scripts.
  5. Can I use virtual environments to manage Python in Zsh? Yes, virtual environments provide isolated Python environments for different projects and can be used to manage Python in Zsh.
  6. What are Anaconda and Miniconda, and how can they help? Anaconda and Miniconda are Python distributions that come with pre-installed packages and environment management tools, making it easier to manage Python installations and dependencies.
  7. Are there alternative methods to run Python scripts without modifying the path? Yes, you can specify the Python interpreter explicitly when running scripts or use the python -m module flag.
  8. How can I ensure compatibility between Zsh and Python? Keeping Zsh and Python versions up to date can help ensure compatibility. Also, using virtual environments or alternative methods can mitigate compatibility issues.
  9. What are the benefits of using Zsh over other shells? Zsh offers advanced features and customization options compared to other shells, such as Bash. It provides improved autocomplete, better scripting capabilities, and a more interactive user experience.
  10. Is it possible to use Python 2 and Python 3 concurrently in Zsh? Yes, it’s possible to use both Python 2 and Python 3 concurrently in Zsh by managing them through virtual environments or specifying the Python version when executing scripts.

By ensuring correct Python installation, configuring the Python path in Zsh, updating software versions, and using virtual environments or alternative methods, you can overcome this error and continue running Python commands seamlessly in your Zsh shell.

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